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Server Traffic

Display the type of traffic processed by servers.

Report Description
Server Traffic Growth Use this report to get a clear idea of the underlying trend in global email traffic. Select specific recipient types, trafic direction and set the detail level to 'Total' to obtain an overview of message traffic at the highest level.
Server Traffic Comparison by Correspondent This report is designed to qualify your global email traffic by separating internal from external messages. Set the detail level to 'Correspondents' address type' and choose to display a table and a graph to get an overall picture of the proportion of internal vs Internet message traffic.
Traffic Between Servers This report shows the traffic of messages of all kinds exchanged between Exchange servers within the organization. The messages are divided between recipient types, for example Mailbox or Distribution group.
Correspondents by Traffic Level Where do all these messages come from? Use this report and get the top n sending (or destination) SMTP domains, and choose between a tabular and a graphical report, or even both.